We believe that it is essential to consider the views of our tenants in regards to the services and housing schemes we provide.
We are committed to putting our customers at the heart of service delivery and we believe that by listening to and taking on board the views of our tenants, we can ensure that policies and services are more responsive to changing needs and aspirations.
Our Tenant Engagement Officer leads all our involvement projects and initiatives and is supported by our Housing Officers, Property Services Officers and other staff within Choice.
We recognise that it is important to offer a range of involvement methods which are fit for purpose and appropriate to the needs of our tenants, providing the opportunity for tenants to get involved with us on whatever level best suits their lifestyle. Our Menu of involvement sets out the various channels through which our tenants can contribute to the decisions we make that may affect them.
Tenant Engagement is how you, a tenant of Choice, can influence the services The Association provides to you. It is a two way process, we will share ideas with you and we will listen to your comments and suggestions. We know that tenant engagement leads to an improvement in our services. We want to encourage as many tenants as possible to take part. You can contact our Tenant Engagement Officer or your Housing Officer for more information on 0300 111 2211 or get.involved@choice-housing.org
The amount of time you have to give is up to you, we have lots of ways you can get involved. The Menu of Involvement shows that and explains the options in more detail. This can be viewed above. Many of the activity areas can be carried out within the comfort of your own home, e.g. Surveys, postal questionnaires, telephone surveys, mystery shopping exercises. Other activity areas can take longer and may involve you attending meetings or events. Whatever level of Involvement suits your lifestyle that’s your decision.
You can come along to one of our meetings as an observer first. There are many options however to get involved with in our Tenant Engagement programme, please see The Menu of Involvement which can be downloaded or speak to a member of our Tenant Involvement team at 0300 111 2211
The Network meets every 2 months in the regional areas usually in the morning but depending on peoples circumstances late afternoon or evening meetings can be facilitated.
As previously many of the activity areas you can do from the comfort of your own home, they are still engagement with The Association.
We want you to be able to participate so we will support tenants. We will pay for your travelling expenses, bus fare, taxi provided by Choice or mileage if using your own vehicle. Childcare and carer costs. Receipts must be provided and there is a ceiling per hour on the level we will pay.
Your Tenant Engagement Officer can tell you more, contact her on 0300 111 2211 or email enquiries@choice-housing.org
Yes, there is some training involved for certain activity areas but all residents involved will attend Governance training to go through rules, Code of Conduct and sign up to being a member of the Community Network.
If you wish to attend meetings or any events, we will ensure that venues are fully accessible. We will endeavour to provide hearing loops for those with hearing loss. We can also print in large print if required. Finally, we can provide an interpreter if required.
Currently we have regional areas, each regional area will hold their meeting in the geographical area they represent.
Your views are important to us, so if you are unable o attend any meetings let us know, perhaps you can send your comments in an email and your views will be put forward.
No, as a tenant representative you are our eyes and ears for your area. It is your interest in wanting to be involved that is important. There will be some training but we will try and help you gain confidence and knowledge about housing issues.
We can provide interpreters where possible or we can ensure information sent to you is in your preferred language upon request.
To find out more you can telephone our Community Development Team on
0300 111 2211 or you can email the Community Development Team at get.involved@choice-housing.org
For more information or to speak to our Tenant Involvement Champion please fill in our quick enquiry form.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.