One of the largest providers of social housing in Northern Ireland has been awarded silver level Tenant Participation Accreditation by the independent charitable body, Supporting Communities.
Sheenagh McNally, Supporting Communities, “Choice Housing deserves many congratulations for achieving a Level 4 Silver Tenant Participation Accreditation award. Our TP Accreditation process is extensive. It includes a forensic examination of the organisation's engagement practices through documentary evidence and further validation with focus groups of tenants, staff, and senior managers.
Choice submitted 575 pieces of evidence: an immense undertaking! The staff team should be proud of their efforts, hard work, and dedication. I have no doubt that if our report's recommendations are embraced, a Gold-level award is in Choice's future.”
Choice Housing scored highly in each of the ‘Ten Standards’, including the information it provides to tenants as a landlord; the effectiveness of its tenant structures; the degree to which tenants are involved in making decisions; and its commitment to actively promoting equal opportunities.
William Wilson, Chair of Choice Housing’s Community Network said, “Choice aims not only to meet housing needs but also to empower all of us—tenants, staff, and partners—to make a lasting, positive impact on our communities. Choice are embracing new, innovative approaches to ensure every tenant feels valued, no matter their background. I have found my involvement during the past few years very rewarding. Having opportunities to discuss issues affecting all tenants with Choice staff is obviously of great benefit to all concerned.”
The exercise required Choice Housing to critique its standards and competencies, identify areas for improvement, and score its performances. Following an assessment by an independent panel, the housing association was deemed worthy of Level Four status – the equivalent to silver grade.
Tenant Participation Accreditation is a robust, structured process that is relied upon to establish how well landlords involve tenants and residents in their services. The findings also show the level to which an organisation involves residents and helps to flag up opportunities for improvement.
Jonathon Blakely, Choice Housing’s Community Development Manager, said: “We are extremely proud to have achieved Silver ‘Level 4’ status in the Tenant Participation Standards Accreditation.
“This reflects Choice Housing’s ongoing commitment to empowering residents and enhancing tenant engagement. This award acknowledges the effectiveness of our work in giving tenants a strong voice in shaping our services, reinforcing our role as a leader in tenant participation, and fostering deeper trust and collaboration across our community.”
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