Energy Saving Week 2024 runs from Monday 18th – Friday 22nd November 2024, and this year’s theme is, “Be the Change, Save Energy,” which is particularly relevant given the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.
Each day this week we will share useful information to highlight the positive action being taken by Choice as we strive to reduce energy usage. We will also sign post to further support and advice.
One thing we can all do is to make sure we are getting the best deal for our electricity, natural gas or heating oil.
Choice encourage all our tenants and staff to consider switching energy providers if it will save money. Another option is to engage with existing suppliers to ensure they are getting the best possible deal.
The process is easy and hassle free. Not only could you save money but you may even receive a better level of service. If you are happy with your current supplier and service, why not give them a quick call to see if they can offer you anything extra, for example, a better rate. Before switching providers you should also double check you aren’t tied into a contract with your existing supplier.
With 5 suppliers of domestic electricity in Northern Ireland (Budget Energy, Click Energy, Power NI, Share Energy and SSE Airtricity) there is opportunity to save money by switching your supplier, with deals that can include welcome and/or loyalty bonuses. With various options on ways to pay for your electricity, it is possible to find a supplier and tariff tailored to your needs. Options may include monthly or quarterly bills, paperless billing, online accounts and pay-as-you-go keypad meters.
The Consumer Council is able to provide independent advice and support, with their Electricity Price Comparison Tool a useful way to make sure you are on the best deal. For more information visit
Natural Gas
With the expanding Gas Network in Northern Ireland, more homes are now able to upgrade their heating systems to Natural Gas. If you live in the Greater Belfast and Larne area and use natural gas, then you may be able to choose between two suppliers, Firmus Energy and SSE Airtricity.
The Consumer Council also provides a comparison tool for natural gas prices, with further information available at
Heating Oil
If your home is heated using heating oil, then the best way to save money is to buy your oil in bulk as it is a lot cheaper than buying it in drums or from a pump in a garage forecourt.
A problem that many homes face when purchasing oil is budgeting for a bulk order. There are ways to help with that, including contacting some oil suppliers and opening a saver account, allowing you to make regular payments. There are also comparison websites available, some of which allow you to purchase your heating oil online and benefit from grouped orders of heating oil deliveries in your area.
The NI Oil Savings Network (NI OSN) which is managed by the Housing Executive’s NI Energy Advice Service is open to all householders across Northern Ireland, regardless of whether you rent or own your home.
Joining the NI OSN means you can order oil each week, or whenever you need a refill. Members can receive discounts on smaller fills from 200 to 400 litres.
You can find out more about joining NI OSN at
If you are an oil user there may be an oil stamp scheme in your area. You can buy a minimum £5 stamp and collect them in a savings card, using the value to pay towards an oil order. Your local council will be able to provide information on the oil suppliers who participate in the scheme and the outlets that sell stamps.
The Consumer Council’s website also has information on local oil prices across different areas of Northern Ireland each week, with an oil price checker available at
Landlord Energy Costs
Choice is responsible for landlord electricity and heating costs (for communal supplies), with a spend of over £2m in 2023/24. Most of this cost is passed on to our tenants through heating or service charges and so Choice are acutely aware of the need to manage these costs effectively to deliver financial savings for our tenants.
Choice have re-tendered both our electricity and natural gas supplies in 2024/25 to deliver value for money, with regular invoice validation taking place, assisted by our ongoing use of an energy management platform.
Further Advice and Support
If you are struggling to pay your gas or electricity bill, or you are in debt, contact your supplier in the first instance for help and advice. Ensure to take regular meter readings and forward these to your supplier, to ensure your bills are accurate!
If you or someone in your household relies on electricity for healthcare needs, you can join NIE’s Medical Customer Care Register to get extra support during a power cut, with more information available at
The Consumer Council is able to provide useful information on energy prices and suppliers. For more information please visit or contact the Consumer Council on 028 9025 1600.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to We apologise for any inconvenience.