22 May 2024

Phase one of new 40 Unit Enniskillen Development underway

A new development on the Sligo Road in Enniskillen which will bring 40 new homes to the area is progressing the first phase of 20 units, with an estimated handover for the full project aimed to be early 2026. This general needs scheme is part of local housing association, Choice Housing’s commitment to delivering quality affordable housing across Northern Ireland.

Incorporating a range of living options – apartments, 2, 3, and 4-bedroom houses and wheelchair accessible bungalows, the new development will bring much needed homes to the Enniskillen area.

Michael McDonnell, Choice Group Chief Executive, said:

“Our Sligo Road scheme is yet another example of the association delivering on its commitment to addressing the growing demand for social housing across the region. This is one of 22 schemes our development team currently has on sites across Northern Ireland, in what has been a very busy eighteen months for our new build programme.

 “With approximately 84,000 still on the waiting list for social housing these schemes cannot come quick enough but equally we cannot do it on our own. There are a range of challenges that will have an impact on our, and the sectors’ ability to deliver these types of developments across Northern Ireland.

 “As a housing association, Choice Group will continue to focus on supporting our tenants, their families, and communities across Northern Ireland.”

As one of the largest housing associations in Northern Ireland, Choice currently provides 12,000 homes to meet the diverse needs of c.30,000 tenants and residents with 283 properties in the Fermanagh and Omagh area.  Currently, Choice manages 89 Sheltered Living, 113 Family homes and 81 Supported living across the Fermanagh, Omagh Council area.

Alongside this new scheme, Choice has plans to invest further in new homes across Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, including 26 units at Coolnagard Glen, Omagh, 28 units at Mullaghmore Road, Dungannon and 27 units at Old Eglish Road Dungannon.

Working in partnership with lead contractor and developer – Newpark Homes, the Sligo Road Development represents an investment in excess of £7m and brings together the latest in design and technology, making these new homes more energy efficient for its new tenants.

Simon Johnston from Newpark Homes added,

“We are delighted to see construction work progressing well at our Sligo Road Development. Once completed it will provide much needed housing the local Enniskillen area and we look forward to working together, in partnership with Choice to achieve this.”

The wider project team includes Architects - McCartan Muldoon, Quantity Surveyor - Naylor Devlin alongside McAdam Design and McGahon Surveyors.  Choice purchased the site in March 2024 with phase 1 expected to be handed over in the autumn of 2024.

The site on the Sligo Road is within walking distance of local retail units at the Sligo/Derrylin Road junction.


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