25 Jun 2024

Choice maintain 100s of acres of land and over the next year we aim to carry out specific planned landscaping works to at least 15 of our housing schemes, working closely with our landscaping contractor, Idverde.

As part of these works we will review opportunities to embed and integrate biodiversity improvements to help to create nature positive green spaces.

Working closely with Idverde we are considering a range of measures, including: 

  1. Providing a nature positive landscape design, with the inclusion of ‘RHS plants for pollinators’ (plants that support pollinating insects in gardens) within planting mixes.
  2. Building a partnership with Natural World Products, to utilise products that allow 100% of grounds maintenance green waste to be recycled into PAS100, New Leaf Compost. This New Leaf Compost can be bought back and used for peat free, full circle model planting.
  3. Trialling glyphosate free weed killers.
  4. Idverde are conducting UK wide research, with partners such as MMU (Manchester Metropolitan University), researching the effects of differing grass maintenance regimes.
  5. Engaging with tenants and stakeholders, through various events, and offering free nature resources e.g. Nature Calendars for children.
  6. Increasing sustainably sourced habitats, supported by donations from Idverde. As an example, Idverde recently provided Choice with a hedgehog home, wildflower seed, insect hotel and bird box as a prize for a staff biodiversity suggestion scheme.
  7. Working in partnership with stakeholders such as Ulster Wildlife and RSPB in order to exchange advice and support community engagement. By supporting Men's Sheds any money paid is reinvested in the likes of Phase 1 & 2 habitat surveys, BioBlitz events, and information sessions with community schemes.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.