Choice Housing, one of Northern Ireland’s largest housing associations, alongside Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council hosted a cross community football tournament at Ballymacash Sports Academy, which saw UK Armed Forces play Irish Defence Forces in a first for Northern Ireland.
The initiative was supported by Choice Housing with a funding contribution of £15K and the local council contributing £5K as part of the wider good relations commitment of the partners.
The event, organised by Choice Housing in partnership with The UK Armed Forces and the Irish Defence Forces, was supported by the Department for Communities (DfC) and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme. The Programme has its origins in the NI Executive Together: Building a United Community Strategy which reflects the Executive’s commitment to improving community relations and continuing the journey towards a more united and shared society.
A potential £1.6M may be invested by Choice in the area through the shared housing development at Hull’s Hill, Moira Road, and the associated five-year Good Relations Plan. A joint Lisburn Advisory Group has been established to support delivery of this plan.
Carol Ervine, Choice Group Director of Tenant and Client Services said,
“We are incredibly proud to be the main sponsors of this high-profile event, supported by the Department for Communities (DfC) and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme.
“Choice is committed to supporting communities to thrive and a huge part of our good relations work is aimed at developing and sustaining shared communities. The Perpetual Friendship Shield is ‘Good Relations’ in action, so this event is a great fit for Choice.”
The two sides were competing for the ‘Perpetual Friendship Shield’ with the two matches (men’s and women’s) attracting more than 500 spectators and was also streamed online, attracting over 40,000 viewers. The two teams first met in 2015 in England, but this is the first time the tournament has been hosted in Northern Ireland. Local MLAs and Councillors also joined spectators for the event.
Choice Housing deliver a range of good relations initiatives and projects throughout the year across all five of their shared housing schemes. An element of much of the good relations work carried out is identifying the challenges local communities are facing and using this to develop tailored projects that support these areas. This can often involve the housing association collaborating with partners and other organisations to deliver beneficial community relations.
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