21 Sep 2021

This week is Good Relations Week, which shines a light on the peace building and cultural diversity efforts of young people and the challenges they are facing.

Good Relations Week is the annual celebration of the work that goes on all year round to build peace and good community relationships.  The week’s activities are drawn together by the Community Relations Council with the help of a steering group made up of representatives from The Executive Office, Department for Communities, Department of Justice, Education Authority, Libraries NI, Cathedral Quarter Trust, and the Nerve Centre. 

During Good Relations Week, Choice are holding a number of events across the province in  Ballynahinch, Belfast and Lisburn.  Our events are bringing together art, dance, music and more.  One event in partnership with Ballymacash Regeneration Network, will see a group of young people from Ballymacash take part in a trip to Colin Glen where they will have the opportunity to use the newly opened Black Bull toboggan course and zip wire course, truly stepping outside of their comfort zone!

The theme for this year’s showcase ‘Brighter Days Ahead’ focuses on the ability of young people to act as a catalyst for meaningful change in our society. It will also explore how society can better meet the needs of young people and some of the difficult issues affecting their lives today, including mental health, isolation, education, and abuse motived by sectarianism, racism, and other forms of identity hatred.

Richard Mealey, Community Development Manager said:

“Good Relations Week is a key event in our annual calendar, one that both staff and tenants very much look forward to.  Throughout the week the events make a real positive impact as so many people come together, connect and enjoy their community.”

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to show your support for our events and activities this week!

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.