14 Jul 2021

At Choice we enjoy celebrating the success and talents of our tenants, we are shining the spot light on Christine Holmes; a writer who lives at Stevenson Park in Lurgan.

Christine has written since childhood.  Completing stories, articles, and poetry as a hobby until she published her first book in 2004. Having dreamed of writing another, 2020 gave her the time to devote to her new book, ‘A Different Kind of Life,’. 

Christine says – “I was reflecting on my life and how things don’t always work out like I’d planned.  I’d experienced a lot of painful times and as a Christian, my faith in God was the one thing that brought me through.  I realised I had a different kind of life and that became the title for the book.

So far the book has been well received and Christine has been encouraged by messages from readers.  Now settled in her new home at Stevenson Park she is planning her next novel.

Christine’s works are available to purchase on Amazon.

If you have a talent or story you would like to share please email: enquiries@Choice-Housing.org




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