Once again we are staying home to protect our NHS and the most vulnerable. Our scheme co-ordinator, Lynda, at Rothesay Court has developed a creative way to keep everyone connected. Lynda held their first virtual coffee morning via zoom last week.
Our scheme co-ordinator, Lynda, at Rothesay Court has developed a creative way to keep everyone connected. Lynda held their first virtual coffee morning via zoom last week.
The small group included tenants and staff and they are confident that the weekly meeting will expand as other tenants join. The coffee morning will connect tenants and ensure that feelings of isolation are tackled together.
Lynda has planned a variety of activities for the coming weeks with everything from Qi Gong movements for relaxation, language lessons, a sing along and even a quiz.
Lynda has created an inclusive way to stay connected so that we can continue to support each other through the next few weeks.