01 Feb 2021

Choice Housing have targets in place to reduce our landlord and communal energy consumption, which involves continually investing in our housing stock and examining further measures such as reducing heating settings where possible at communal schemes in Spring each year.

We would advise our customers to consider simple ways to reduce energy consumption in your own home, with some suggestions highlighted below.

  • Use low energy lightbulbs and turn off unnecessary lighting.
  • Familiarise yourself with how to use any heating controls.
  • Consider purchasing energy efficient appliances.  Check the energy labels on new appliances for estimated annual electricity consumption.
  • Switch off appliances that are on standby.
  • Close your curtains at dusk to help keep heat in.
  • Only open windows when needed for ventilation.
  • Only fill your kettle with the amount of water you need, making sure to cover the kettle element. 
  • Make sure your radiators are not obstructed by curtains or furniture
  • Use your washing machine and tumble dryer wisely (including any communal washing machines and tumble dryers if you live in a housing scheme where these are available).
  • Don’t leave the fridge door open and try to avoid putting hot or warm food straight into your fridge
  • Cover saucepans with lids whenever possible and use a pan which is the same size as the cooker ring.
  • Many modern ovens, particularly those with fans, need little or no preheating
  • When using a dishwasher always wash a full load.
  • If possible use a washing up bowl in the kitchen sink so you use less hot water.
  • Dry clothes outside in warmer weather.
  • Take a shower instead of a bath – a bath can use up to five times as much hot water as a shower.

Further information and help is available by contacting the Northern Ireland Energy Advice Line on 0800 111 44 55. 

Choice Housing have also produced an energy saving guide for our customers, which is available to view or download from our website at www.choice-housing.org/energy 

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.