The staff recognition awards for last quarter were decided by our Senior Management Team this week, and the winning staff members are:
Customer Centred- During the lock-down earlier this year and since then, the Gas Servicing Team have worked tirelessly to return gas compliance to pre-Covid standards despite legitimate customer concerns and limited legal options. The team continue to impress on tenants the importance of providing access to protect themselves and others from risks associated with gas heating.
Trustworthy- Caroline Browne, Scheme Co-ordinator
Caroline has diligently supported a new tenant with complex housing needs. Caroline has done so much more than expected from her, happily the tenant is thriving in her new home. Caroline has shown that she is capable and trustworthy in looking after the best interests of all her residents during a very difficult period.
Dynamic- Paula Rodgers , Senior Services Centre Advisor
Paula has always’ been a consistent and dedicated member of the Services Centre team. In addition to supporting a busy contact centre team, her creativity and forward thinking approach in devising and implementing a comprehensive training programme, that fully adheres to social distancing also deserves particular mention given the logistical challenges involved.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to We apologise for any inconvenience.