07 Oct 2020

Closure for essential training.

Choice Services Centre will be closed for essential training on Thursday 8 October between 9.30am – 1.30pm.  During this time, all calls will be diverted to our emergency service who will process emergency repair requests only.  Any non-urgent requests and general enquiries can still be emailed to enquiries@choice-housing.org.   

Our rent team can still be contacted by calling 0300 111 22 11 and pressing option 2.  Alternatively, customers can call back at 13.30 when our Services Centre reopens.   We appreciate your understanding and co-operation

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.