At Choice we are fully committed to ensuring your safety within your home. By law, we have to test and service all gas appliances in your home every year, to ensure that all gas appliances remain safe. To assist us with this all tenants are legally required to provide access.
When our contractor attends, please adhere to the following where possible:
To minimise the risk of virus transmission of Covid-19, please advise us immediately if anyone in your household has Covid-19 symptoms.
• Maintain minimum 2 meter social distancing from any visitors to your home.
• Wear a mask or mouth covering such as a scarf
• Clean contact points such as door handles before and after the visit
• Wedge open doors to any room to which we need access
• Ventilate any room to which we need access by opening windows
• Keep all family members and pets out of effected rooms
• If requested, please allow our contractors and staff to wash their hands.
Please advise our contractor if you prefer them to wear a mask.
If you are unwilling to allow access for either shielding or self-isolation reasons, please advise Choice Housing on 0300 111 2211 or our contractor Fusion Heating on 0800 7838 641 at the earliest opportunity and we will seek to make alternative arrangements.
We very much appreciate your assistance and co-operation
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to We apologise for any inconvenience.