20 Nov 2019

In 2019 we witnessed the declaration of the ‘Climate Change Emergency’ being declared, andwidespread recognition that we all need to consider ways in which we can reduce our impact on the environment

Northern Ireland is particularly car dependent, with over 1.1million vehicles licensed at the end of 2016!  Aside from reductions in CO2 emissions, considering other forms of transport can also deliver benefits such as better air quality and improved health and wellbeing.

So what can you do to reduce your CO2 emissions?  We’ve provided some examples below.

Reduce your travelling where possible

Most of us will be required to travel at times, and some of us may have limited options, however there may be easy ways to avoid unnecessary travel and save money.  For example, with careful meal planning you may be able to make fewer trips to the shops.  You may also be able to consider car sharing options with friends, family or work colleagues.

Some employers may also be able to take measures to encourage reduced travelling, such as home or remote working, improved ICT facilities (including conference calling) and company pool vehicles.  Choice have actively encouraged options such as cycling to work and the use of public transport, and we continue to explore alternative options for our employees.

Walking & Cycling

It may sound obvious, but we could consider any opportunities to walk or cycle, instead of getting in the car.  This will vary for everyone, depending on where you live, but you may be able to commit to a small change like avoiding the car for short journeys once or twice a week.  One of the main benefits of this is the potential improvements to both physical and mental health.

 One example of this in recent years has been the introduction of ‘Belfast Bikes’, with 46 docking stations across Belfast.  Further information on this scheme is available at www.belfastbikes.co.uk

Public Transport

Public transport options include trains and buses, along with services such as ‘Park & Ride’.  The ‘Glider’ service has recently celebrated its first birthday in Belfast, with increasing numbers of passengers travelling in this way.

Further information is available from Translink at www.translink.co.uk to include various options to save money when choosing public transport, such as ‘Multi Journey’, ‘ylink’ and ‘alink’ cards, which each offer discounts.

Please check back to our website each day during Energy Week (18th – 22nd November) and follow us on social media for further information and support

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.