‘Fabric First’ is a phrase often used, which simply means that improvements to the structure of a building are considered first, before investing in other measures such as technologies. This includes insulation in walls, floors and attics, along with windows and doors, and the reduction of draughts.
New homes are built to high energy standards and we work closely with our Design Teams and Contractors to ensure that we consider the building fabric carefully. Over the last decade we have built hundreds of homes to higher energy standards, exceeding current requirements. The latest example of this is a housing development in Carryduff, which is due to be completed in 2020 and is the first in Northern Ireland to meet a higher standard proposed by the Department for Communities. These homes have specific targets around building fabric, but must also achieve a ‘Band A’ Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).
Our Assets Department invest millions of pounds every year in improvements to our existing homes, which includes insulation upgrades and new windows and doors. In 2019 we will have replaced over 150 oil boilers with new efficient natural gas boilers, and in each instance we will improve insulation first where possible.
Our homes have an average EPC Energy Efficiency rating of 76 (Band C), which is significantly higher than the NI Average of 60 (Band D) and we have a target to improve this further in coming years.
Please check back to our website each day during Energy Week (18th – 22nd November) and follow us on social media for further information and support.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.