The new Chair of Choice Tenants’ Forum, Rita Murray is looking forward to further enhancing the awareness and engagement of the forum, as she takes on the reigns from outgoing Chair Bill Jeffery.
A platform for tenants to voice their opinions, ideas and concerns – the Tenants’ Forum ensures a strong link between tenants and the association. Rita will take over at a time of significant challenges for the social housing sector, challenges, Rita believes, that provide many opportunities.
“The demand for social housing across Northern Ireland has increased and Choice have worked hard to meet that growing need. For those living in a range of Choice social housing, it is vital that they feel they have a voice to shape issues that affect their daily lives.
“I am keen to continue to raise awareness of the forum and what it does for tenants so that we grow our membership and for more tenants will see the value of being part of this family”.
Choice offer a Menu of Options in their engagement programme and this menu encourages tenants to get involved in an activity that suits their lifestyle and the time they have to spare.
Rita is particularly keen on attracting more tenants from general needs accommodation,
“Choice offers such a diverse range of support, financial advice and guidance, support on welfare issues, community events, focus groups and funding opportunities. We need to ensure all tenants are not only aware of these resources but that we solve any barriers that are currently in place for them to participate”. The Tenant Engagement Programmer offers opportunities for members to socialise, volunteer, lobby on issues and engage in a wider network aimed at improving the group’s overall development.
Within our programme we have Four Regional Forums and a Central Forum: The regional Forums are geographically spread: Belfast, the North West, South West and South East. The forums meet every two months to share information and best practice.
“As Chair I hope to encourage all tenants to play an active role in the Tenant engagement programme, become involved in one of our Tenant Forums and participate, giving their views and recommendations on how we can deliver a better service for all tenants”.
Rita has been a member of the Tenants’ Forum for 11 years and a tenant of Choice for 13 years. Rita brings a wealth of experience to the role of Chair, including chairing the West Belfast 50+ Group Forum. Rita has also worked with the Greater Belfast Senior Citizens Group representing Belfast through six different forums and has been involved with Volunteer Now, raising awareness of a range of mental health issues.
Rita takes up her post in June 2019 , talking about the departure of long serving Chair Bill Jeffery however , Rita stated
“Bill had this amazing ability to make everyone feel comfortable and confident enough to express their opinions, this goes to the very heart of what the Tenants’ Forum aims to do, to empower people and give them a voice. He will be a hard act to follow.”
To find out how you can get involved you can contact our Tenant Involvement Team on: 0300 111 2211 or you can email the Tenant Involvement Team at
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