More than 34 Choice Housing residents are celebrating the completion of a major £200,000 overhaul at Pound Green Court sheltered housing scheme in Larne.
The thirteen-week renovation project, designed to improve quality of living at the 20-year-old scheme, includes replacement kitchens in each apartment as well as upgrades that enhance energy efficiency and access to the scheme.
Prior to the works commencing, tenants met with the contractor – H&A Mechanical – to choose their new kitchens and agree the new interior decoration in communal areas, which also received flooring and lighting improvements.
Opened in 1998, Pond Green Court is home to 34 older people and comprises thirty-two gas heated and double-glazed homes with a mix of twenty-nine one-bedroom flats and two with two-bedrooms. Special care was taken during the work to ensure full wheelchair access and to minimise noise and disruption at the popular scheme.
Michael McDonnell, Group Chief Executive at Choice Housing said:
“This is an exciting new chapter for Pound Green Court and comes as the scheme marks its 20th anniversary. The renovation brings the homes up to a high standard and will enable tenants to heat and manage their homes more tenants effectively. There is a great sense of community here and we’re pleased that residents took an active role in the home improvements. A number of apartments are available to rent and interest from prospective tenants is welcome.
“Sheltered housing schemes like Pound Green Court are an excellent option for older people who want to live independently in their own homes and remain closely connected to their community. We believe in providing good quality housing and actively involving tenants in our plans. The renovation works at Pound Green Court is a fine example of what we are trying to achieve.”
Tenant Josephine Marrs, who moved into the scheme in 2008, said: “I’m very happy with service provided and love the new kitchen in my apartment.”
The Pound Green Court renovation was undertaken by Draperstown-based contractor H&A Mechanical and is the first project to be directly led by Choice’s Assets Department.
Situated in St. John’s Place in Larne, the scheme is close to a wide range of local amenities including shops, cafes, restaurants, a health centre, pharmacy, post office, a number of churches as well as a library and leisure centre.
A number of apartments at the popular scheme are available for people aged 55 or over. To find out more call 0300 111 2211 or email
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