13 Mar 2018

We were delighted to be celebrated in 3 categories at the NI Housing Council’s awards. These awards celebrate leadership, innovation and positive impact in the social housing sector, with the winners selected from across the housing sector, housing associations and the Housing executive.

This year the following projects represented Choice at the awards,

Tafelta Rise, Moneymore Road Magherafelt for the Jim Speers Special Award.  This award is given to the best housing association scheme. Barry O’Neill was the Development Officer for Tafelta Rise, located at 19-21 Moneymore Road, Magherafelt close to the town centre. The site is in a mixed area with a high proportion of residential users in the immediate area but also close to various retail outlets. The official name given to the scheme by the Mid-Ulster Council is Tafelta Rise, Moneymore Road, Magherafelt, Co. Derry.

Choice Services, Jack Bailie Award which recognises delivering added value in housing services.  Choice Services was established to provide a response maintenance service to the Choice Housing Ireland Group.  The role of the Manager Director of Choice Services is to provide leadership and direction to all staff within the Direct Service Organisation, yet to the Core Values of the Choice Group.

Paula Conway for the Norman Capper Memorial Award, recognising excellence in customer/public relations or communications in housing.

Paula Conway was the lead officer in the remodelling of Carniny Court, a Choice supported housing scheme.  This work, which was carried out in partnership with Women’s Aid, has increased and radically enhanced the provision of high quality services and accommodation to meet the changing needs of women and children escaping domestic violence in NI. The new facilities provide maximum support to help clients regain their independence, self-determination and maintain their decision making capacity.

Choice were delighted to win the Norman Capper Memorial Award and highly commended for Jim Speers Special Award.  Such a well deserved recognition of a very successful project and the incredibly dedicated staff members, Paula Conway and Barry O’Neill.

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.