13 Mar 2018

Choice News Spring 2018 is out now!

This bumper packed edition of Choice News includes:

  • Active Choice: a new rewards scheme – Active Choice is an incentive scheme which rewards and encourages good conduct of tenancy by offering a range of benefits to those who meet the eligibility criteria. This exciting new scheme, which will be launched in the coming months, has been developed in response to feedback from our customers who believe that good tenants should be recognised and rewarded. 


  • Caring for Pets at Home – Choice understands that keeping pets offers significant benefits to their owners. However, irresponsible ownership can also cause nuisance to others living nearby. This information provides practical advise for our tenants to care for pets in their home.  


  • Tenants’ Forum News – Find out more information on what our Tenants’ Forum have been up to over the past couple of months.


A big thank you to all the sheltered living schemes which sent in contributions and to the Tenants’ Forum editorial team for their help in the production of this edition.

If you would like to submit a feature for consideration for the next edition of Choice News – such as a poem, a personal achievement, an interesting story, or indeed anything you feel would be of interest to other Choice tenants – then please send your article(s) to: The Editor, Choice News, FREEPOST BEL2371, Belfast BT1 6BR

Similarly, if you would like to join the Tenants’ Forum Editorial Team to contribute and review articles for the Newsletter please contact the Services Centre on 0300 111 2211 or email enquiries@choice-housing.org

All contributions gratefully received! And of course, we always appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have for Choice News in general. After all, it is a newsletter for YOU!

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.