14 Jun 2018

Choice tenants will be aware that Universal Credit began its introduction into N. Ireland on 27th September 2017.

This week Universal Credit rolls out in the Falls and Shankill areas of West Belfast for all new claimants. If you are a Choice tenant in these areas your Housing Officer will visit you in the next few weeks. If you have any queries please contact our office on 0300 111 2211, or find out more information at www.communities-ni.gov.uk  

Further details of the new benefit are highlighted below for your information:

Universal Credit is a single means-tested benefit for working-age people aged 18 to 64 years and is paid to each household. It will replace the following means-tested benefits:

• Income Support

• Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance

• Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance • Child Tax Credits

• Working Tax Credits and

• Housing Benefit.

Universal Credit entitlement will be calculated monthly and, if entitled, you will be paid twice a month.

At the start of a claim for Universal Credit the joint claimants must choose whether payment is made to one single account or whether to split payments across two accounts (there is no default option). 

Claims for Universal Credit must be made online, and all subsequent contact regarding weekly rental charges will also be conducted online at www.nidirect.gov.uk/UniversalCredit

It is important that you have the following information at hand before you start your claim: 

  •       Your postcode 
  •       NI Number
  •       Tenant Reference number
  •       An email account
  •       Details of the bank or building society you want Universal Credit paid into 
  •       Details of your housing costs (rent) 
  •       Your landlord’s details 
  •       Details of your savings or other capital 
  •       Details of any income that’s not from work, for example, from an insurance plan 
  •       Details of any other benefits you’re getting. 

When you submit your claim you may be asked to provide more information. This information should be provided within one calendar month to ensure your claim is processed. If it is not provided within 1 calendar month your claim may be cancelled

The introduction of Universal Credit will be carried out in two phases:

 • Transition phase – new benefit claims commencing from September 2017

 • Managed migration – existing benefits claims will transfer to Universal Credit between July 2019 and March 2022

 Universal credit roll-out started in Northern Ireland from September 2017 in line with the schedule of postcodes dealt with by the following Jobs and Benefits / Social Security Offices –

13 June 2018 – Falls, Shankill

27 June 2018 - Andersonstown, Banbridge 

5 September 2018 - Holywood Road, Ballynahinch

19 September 2018 - Newtownabbey, Newtownards

3 October 2018 - Shaftesbury Sq, Carrickfergus

17 October 2018 - Knockbreda, Bangor

31 October 2018 - Lisburn, Larne

14 November 2018 - North Belfast, Cookstown

5 December 2018 - Ballymena, Antrim


When will Universal Credit affect you?

Enter your postcode at  (https://ni.entitledto.co.uk/ucdate) to confirm the date of transition phase into your area.

 Universal Credit is claimed online at www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/claim-universal-credit-online

 A demonstration video which takes you through the steps of the online application process is available at (www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4ex67xX_Ao

 You will see references to local authority and councils. In Northern Ireland this means the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Housing Association or Health and Social Care Trusts.

 The Housing Element of your Universal Credit will be paid directly to your Landlord, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, or your Housing Association.  If the Housing Element you are awarded does not cover the full amount of your rent, you will need to pay the rest yourself.


• Help with rates

Rates support is currently paid with Housing Bene t. When Universal Credit is introduced, a new Rate Rebate system will replace the rates payment under Housing Benefit for new tenants.

Your Universal Credit payment will not include a payment towards the rates element of your weekly charge. Rates support for working age tenants receiving Universal Credit will be moving to a new Department of Finance ‘Rate Rebate’ scheme administered by Land and Property Services (LPS).

Applications for a rate rebate will have to be made separately from Universal Credit. Payments of Rate Rebate will also be made separately from Universal Credit. The application for Rate Rebate will need to be made within three months of entitlement to Universal Credit being established. These applications must also be made online.

When making the application, claimants will be asked six or seven questions online. If a Universal Credit claim is cancelled, suspended or resumed, the Rate Rebate payments will be affected.

Housing Benefit and Supplementary Payments

Social Sector Size Criteriacontinues to change how Housing Benefit is calculated for some tenants, based on sets of conditions.   Social Sector Size Criteria is sometimes called the ‘Bedroom Tax’. You will not be affected by Social Sector Size Criteria if:

  • you or your partner have reached State Pension age
  • you live in supported accommodation
  • you live in a houseboat, caravans or mobile home
  • you live in a shared co-ownership scheme
  • you live in temporary accommodation

You don't need to claim the Welfare Supplementary Payment for Social Sector Size Criteria. If you qualify for the payment, the Department for Communities (DfC) will pay it directly to your landlord. 

Benefit Cap is an upper limit on the amount of benefit a household can receive. It applies if you or your partner, if you have one, is of working age.

For those affected by the Benefit Cap, it is administered through a reduction in Housing Benefit  and paid directly to your landlord until any transferal to Universal Credit. 

Welfare Supplementary Payments for Benefit Cap and Social Sector Size Criteria will only be paid until 31 March 2020

 If you are concerned about transferring to or making an application for Universal Credit you can find more information by:

1. Contacting the Independent Welfare Changes Helpline on 0808 802 0020

2. Visiting the Welfare Changes website: www.nidirect.gov.uk/Universal Credit.

3. Contacting the Universal Credit telephone service: 0300 123 3017 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Call charges £0.10/minute from a landline and £0.03 to £0.55/minute from a mobile.)

4. Contacting Choice Services Centre: 0300 111 2211 or email: Choice Services Centre: enquiries@choice-housing.org

5. Visit Choice’s website: www.choice-housing.org

6. If you need help getting online your Jobs and Benefits Office or local library can provide support.

Find out where to get support at: www.gov.uk 

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.