The finalists for The Annual Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) NI Awards have recently been announced and we are delighted to be shortlisted an impressive seven times in six categories.
The finalists for The Annual Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) NI Awards have recently been announced and we are delighted to be shortlisted an impressive seven times in six categories;
A central focus for Choice has been its drive to support people into real jobs and to build employment skills and experience. ‘Work Choice’ is grounded in the age-old truth that the best way to get a job is to be in one. The association recruited a number of previously unemployed tenants to work across its operations for a minimum of six months with a commitment to create longer-term opportunities both within the association and with like-minded employers.
Choice’s remodelling of Carniny Court in partnership with Women’s Aid has increased and radically enhanced the provision of high quality services and accommodation to meet the changing needs of women and children escaping domestic violence. The new facilities provide maximum support to help clients regain their independence, self-determination and maintain their decision making capacity.
The creation of Choice Services, a new Direct Service Organisation, has enabled Choice Housing to develop a new intelligent solution to void management that has reduced turnaround times; increased visibility of purchasing cost and accuracy of providing estimates; and radically improved the experience of Choice Housing’s internal and external customers.
Niall Sheridan has forged an outstanding career that has helped reshape the face of housing and the standards of excellence in Northern Ireland. For more than three decades, this influential and highly respected professional has been an enabler of sector-wide modernisation and continued innovation. His dynamic and versatile approach has enabled him to secure management positions and drive positive change in a range areas including procurement, energy management, care & support, housing management, asset management and development & planning.
In development, Niall has led the strategic delivery of more than 8,000 new homes in Northern Ireland. His commitment to securing better social outcomes for tenants has influenced the type of design and build that is now common in the region. He has overseen the construction of schemes and homes that have transformed individual lives and whole communities – creating thriving sustainable and peaceful neighbourhoods
Choice Housing have an Energy Management Team who aim to reduce energy costs for tenants and reduce environmental impact. This role is unique for a social housing landlord in Northern Ireland and is delivered for both Choice and Oaklee Housing in the Republic of Ireland.
Building strong and resilient communities is just as important to Choice as providing high quality homes. Across Northern Ireland, our partnership with Live Here Love Here Small Grants Scheme is supporting individuals and neighbourhoods to enhance their environments, skills and prospects for long term prosperity. Love Here is Northern Ireland’s largest civic pride campaign which empowers communities to improve their local areas through environmental practical action.
‘Get Connected’ is a digital literacy programme that ran for 12 weeks in East Belfast, engaging 20 residents. The course was delivered in partnership by Choice Housing Supporting Communities and a team of BT volunteers. It has improved skills and confidence enabling residents to get to grips with the advantages of new technology.
Further to this, our sister association Oaklee Housing has also been shortlisted;
At Station Court in Gorey, Co Wexford, Oaklee developed a new multiagency partnership with NAMA, Wexford County Council and Oaklee Housing has revitalised vacant units, reduced the housing waiting list and changed lives for those most in need. For Gerry Carberry, it has enabled him to escape an unscrupulous landlord whose bullying contributed to Gerry’s ill health.
We need your vote for the Best Housing Story category which is open to a public vote, so be sure to read about the submissions and vote for Choice! You can visit the CIH NI website at
Choice are proud to be sponsoring the Young Professional of the Year award and we are looking forward to learning about all the shortlisted projects at the CIH Annual Awards on Friday 23rd February 2018 at Titanic Belfast.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to We apologise for any inconvenience.