04 Dec 2018

The death of someone we love can bring strangers into our lives who then become our friends because we find someone who understands how we are feeling and how the grief is affecting us.

This is evident at the Friendship Group which is held at our sheltered living scheme, Medway Court, Dee Street, Belfast.  It was formed under the Beyond Words Project at Cruse Bereavement Care NI.  Beyond Words was a partnership between Cruse and Stroke Association NI.  The Project was developed to support people over the age of 60 who had been bereaved including stroke survivors and their carers and those living in sheltered housing. 

The Medway Court Friendship Group was set up in May 2017.  The group provides a safe environment for members to come along, share experiences and make new friends.  More importantly, the group also helps members find a “new normal”.  The group has had days out and recently members travelled to Ayr for two days.  At the November meeting, members from the Lisburn Friendship Group came to Medway Court to enjoy lunch provided by the groups’ joint committee. 

Herbie Rennie is a resident in Medway Court.  Herbie said “I have lived in Medway Court for nine years.  I became involved with the Beyond Words Project when they visited Medway to do a bereavement awareness session with staff and residents.  I then sat on their Advisory Group which helped to shape and develop the project.  I was delighted to be able to help start the Medway Court Friendship Group and provide this support in the area.  It has been great to see the group grow and friendships being made.” 

The group meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 11 am to 1 pm.  If you would like further information, please contact Eleanor on 028 90792419 or email eleanor.ellerslie@cruse.org.uk.

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.