Choice Housing brought together stakeholders, developers and partners from across Northern Ireland to set out their ambitious development plans to 2021.
As a leading housing provider at the forefront in the provision of social housing, Choice is committed to delivering quality housing, which enhances the community.
The need for decent, affordable housing and support services continues to grow, establishing and creating effective relationships with developers and partner organisations will enable Choice to leverage skills and resources to maximise the benefits for those in need.
Niall Sheridan, Choice Group Director of Development & Assets laid out the ambitious strategy to 2021 and choice’s vision ‘to be recognised as the leading housing association group in Ireland’. Investing their experience and working with others will help Choice to shape new standards to develop more high quality dwellings.
The growth of the Choice Group Companies is the result of ambition and the relentless pursuit of development opportunities in areas where it is needed most. Maple and May, Choice’s profit –for-purpose company, is delivering new affordable homes for rent or purchase across Northern Ireland. Through widening the scope Maple and May offers greater freedom and the flexibility to move within the property portfolio if their needs change. The strategic partnership between Choice and Oaklee Housing is playing an active role in tackling an increasingly urgent lack of homes in Ireland and is contributing to the step change required in the delivering of more social and affordable accommodation.
Choices are actively seeking development opportunities. If you would be interested in discussing a suitable site for both the affordable and private markets, or learn more about our ambitious development programme, please contact a member of our Development Team on 0300 111 2211.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to We apologise for any inconvenience.