04 Dec 2017

A new Supported Living Scheme that will boost the housing options for those diagnosed with early stage dementia in the Antrim and Newtownabbey area moved a step closer to completion with an official topping off ceremony on Wednesday.

Developed by Choice and in partnership with the Northern Health and Social Care Trust and the NI Housing Executive, the new residential development - The Croft comprises 24 units with 1-staff bedroom and associated staff facilities. The living units consist of 24 mixed self-contained apartments with communal facilities all built to wheelchair housing standards.

The new apartments, which will be available from May 2018, will enable local people with a care need to continue to live independently with the added security of care and support when they need it. 

Community representatives joined Choice, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and the NI Housing Executive to view progress to date on this exciting scheme.

Hazel Bell, Chair of Choice said:

“We have a wide range of housing options in the Antrim & Newtownabbey area aimed to meet the diverse needs of local people, specifically Sheltered, Family and Supported Housing.  This scheme is another example of quality-supported housing for those who want to live independent lives and play their part in the local community”.


“The Croft is the latest completion in a busy new build programme that is actively planning and constructing much needed new homes across the region. Today is an important milestone for us and for the people who will ultimately benefit from the new homes in this area.  We couldn’t do this without the positive partnerships we have developed, namely the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Department for Communities and NIHE.”

Bob McCann, Chair of the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, said:

“The Northern Trust has been working for some time on future services for people with dementia.  Our ambition is to support people to remain at home for as long as possible with appropriate support and, when this is no longer possible, to offer supported living services.

This is an exciting new initiative for the Trust as it is the first three way partnership which allows the Trust to offer greater choice regarding the care model and type of accommodation and we look forward to bringing it to completion next year. “

The scheme, designed by TODD Architects with Tal ltd appointed as project contractor, funded through a mix of private financing secured by Choice Housing and grants from the Department for Communities.  

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