Make The Digital Connection
Get Everyone Online- Make the Digital Connection
Choice is working with the Department of Finance and Supporting Communities to promote Digital Inclusion. We are inviting members of our Tenants’ Forum to take part in this training opportunity. The Tenants’ Forum structure is an important means of communicating for Choice between tenants and our staff; and we recognise that support is required to enable our Forums to be effective and meaningful.
Supporting Communities is an independent charitable organisation which champions tenant and community participation by developing groups, supporting active citizenship and building cohesive communities.
Once our tenant representatives sign up to the project they will receive their own tablet and training across a number of digital skills. We look forward to our tenant representatives encouraging and supporting others to engage online, particularly with Choice’s new Tenant Portal.
If you are a member of the Tenants' Forum and would like to sign up to Get Everyone Online, please call our Tenant Participation Team on 0300 111 2211.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to We apologise for any inconvenience.