Who are The Unusual Suspects?
As part of Recycle Week’s 12 – 18 September, a major hunt is underway for the ‘The Unusual Suspects’, many of which could be lurking in your home.
You may be familiar with the usual suspects – the plastic drinks bottles, food and drinks cans, jam jars, cardboard boxes and newspapers for example. Although it’s become routine to recycle the usual suspects in our kitchens some items around the home are escaping the recycling bin and slipping through the net. Many of us overlook items such as aerosol cans and toilet roll tubes – the evidence can be found in the rubbish.
To increase your recycling, all you need to do is identify the unusual suspects, why they are getting away, and how to get more of them in your recycling bins.
If everyone in the UK recycled one toothpaste box, it would save enough energy to run a fridge in over 2,000 homes for a year. Or, if everyone in the UK recycled one aluminium deodorant aerosol can, enough energy would be saved to run a TV in over 151,000 homes for a year. Finally, if just one aluminium air freshener aerosol can is recycled by everyone in the UK, enough energy could be saved to vacuum over 876,000 homes for a year. Also, recycled plastic bottles can transform their identity to the point they are unrecognisable – children’s toys, t-shirts, fleeces, garden furniture – the list goes on.
Weigh up the evidence at Recyclenow.com and decide what goes in what bin.
To see the full identity-parade of wanted unusual suspects, visit Recycle Now www.recyclenow.com and find out what can be collected for recycling from your home.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.