21 Nov 2016

Energy Saving Week took place from 31st October until 4th November and the Choice Energy Team ran nine roadshows across the province to promote energy efficiency.

Big Savings Big Success at Energy Week

Choice identify potential savings of £500,000 for their tenants!

Choice are delighted that around 200 people attended their Energy Week events which took place from 31st October until 4th November.  The Choice Energy Team along with partner organisations ran nine roadshows across the province to promote energy efficiency by switching energy suppliers and to encourage customers to “make the call” and have a benefits entitlement check carried out. 

The Consumer Council spoke to attendees about switching energy providers and nearly £3000 of potential savings were identified.  If this was representative there could be potential savings available for all Choice tenants of over £500,000 by switching energy providers! 

The Benefits Uptake Team spoke to 134 attendees across the events.  The team carried out 60 benefits entitlement checks, 39 of which had a potential entitlement to a benefit service identified.  A number of other partner organisations supported the week including Housing Rights, who spoke to over 50 attendees, Bryson Energy who promoted the benefits of oil buying clubs and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive who invited some of their customers along.  The week was also supported by The Energy Saving Trust who helped provide valuable information for social media. 

Choice also used the week to launch their new Energy Saving Guide over 1,200 distributed during the week.  Those who attended also received information leaflets and Choice thermometers, with around 340 low energy bulbs also given out.  Household savings from the week all contribute to the wider Choice financial inclusion agenda. 

Choice also promoted energy efficiency to their staff by providing information and tips on the company intranet all week and posting on social media.  Each day there was a new topic posted to keep staff interested all week. 

Those who attended the events gave very positive feedback about the roadshows and Choice would like to thank all the partners who helped to make the events such a success and to everyone who came along.  Plus congratulations to the four prize draw winners, who each received £50 worth of shopping vouchers.

Feedback from attendees –

“Very informative and worth attending” - Mr Connor – Larne

“Good information on day and to take away.  Useful to have other agencies such as Housing Rights” – Mr Kerr – Derry

“Very very good, useful information and have received follow up information already” – Mr Brown – Lisburn

If you wish to provide feedback on the event, let us know if you saved money or had a positive outcome from your benefits entitlement check, then please contact us at energy@choice-housing.org












We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.