19 May 2016

Choice work with more Joint Management Partners than any other housing association and we are proud that our partnerships provide affordable, purpose built housing options whilst offering continuous guidance and support.

We are pleased to announce that Abbeyfield & Wesley signed a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Choice to manage a new supported living scheme for the frail and elderly at Hamilton Road, Bangor. This scheme comprises of seven ensuite bedrooms with communal facilities with daily support staff on site. Tenants will be moving into their new home at Hamilton Road over the coming weeks.

 ‘We are delighted to be working in partnership with Choice Housing for the provision of a much needed supported, sheltered house in the Bangor area.  Living in a supported, sheltered house can help prevent people becoming isolated and lonely. This house is family style in design and provides accommodation for seven older people. The residents can be independent, come and go as they please, have privacy in their own rooms, whilst at the same time have the knowledge that others are nearby so they are not alone and staff are there to provide support. A key feature in alleviating isolation is that home cooked meals, prepared by staff, are eaten together in the communal dining room’. Beverley Surgenor Property and Development Manager at Abbeyfield & Wesley.

Abbeyfield & Wesley join over 40 partners currently working with Choice across many programmes of care and support including; learning disability, mental ill health, homelessness, addictions, frail elderly as well as Dementia, Autism, children leaving care and young mothers with babies.  Abbeyfield & Wesley Housing Association was formed following the merger of Abbeyfield UK (NI) Ltd and Wesley Housing Association Ltd and they are a charity who provide high quality housing and care for older people.

Abbeyfield & Wesley has a range of housing options for older people which include:

  • independent living for older people in sheltered housing with scheme supervisors;
  • supported sheltered housing which has higher staffing levels and provision of meals;
  • and residential care which is staffed 24 hours a day.

 Martin Meek, Choice Supported Housing Manager commented on the new SLA, “Choice welcomes Abbeyfield & Wesley as a partner to deliver supported housing in the Bangor area. We are looking forward to welcoming tenants into their new homes”.

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.