04 Aug 2016

At Choice, tenants and service users should expect and receive the very best support from our teams.

We know there are some things that we can do better and this year, we’re seeking your help to find the things that we are doing well and any areas that need some improvement.

The closing date for the survey is fast approaching so don’t forget to return your completed survey to Millward Brown Ulster by 7th August 2016 or you can complete the survey online by clicking the following link: http://research.millwardbrownulster.com/OdinServlet/Interview?SurveyID=9679FEFE84

Thank you to everyone who has returned a survey so far; your views are important to us and we really appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback.  All customers who complete and return a survey by the closing date will be entered into our prize draw.  If you complete the survey online you will need to enter the reference number that appears on the top left hand corner of your postal survey to be entered into the prize draw.  The winners will be randomly selected by Millward Brown Ulster.

Once Millward Brown Ulster have collated the results we will be working with our management team and the Central Tenants’ Forum to develop an improvement action plan. The results will also be published on our website and the next edition of Choice News.

We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls to our Services Centre. If you are reporting a non-emergency repair we would request that you phone back later in the week or you can report it via email to ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org. We apologise for any inconvenience.