09 Nov 2015

Choice Estate Walkabouts

Choice aims to have developments and schemes that are safe, clean and support community cohesion to enable customers to enjoy their homes and local environment.

We want our customers to get involved in making their community a great place to live and be proud of. Choice held its first Estate Walkabout at Rathgill in Bangor and over the next three weeks Choice will be conducting Estate Walkabouts throughout 10 areas across Northern Ireland as part of a pilot conducted by our Tenant Involvement Champion and local Choice staff.

Estate Walkabouts allow local residents the opportunity to walk alongside key staff, the local Housing Officer and Property Services Officer, and Tenants’ Forum members on the ground to highlight issues or concerns in the area. When the pilot has been completed and reviewed Choice plans to introduce a programme of Estate Walkabouts at all our General Needs schemes. Attendees will include local residents, the Property Services Officer, Housing Officer and hopefully Committee/Board members and Tenant Forum members.

Residents and Officers will be walking the scheme/estate together recording anything that might make the estate look untidy or unsafe. An action plan is then drawn up determining what actions need to be taken and feedback is then provided to residents within four weeks.

Residents who live on the schemes that will be visited during the pilot will be notified in advance and asked to participate in the Walkabout planned for their area.

Chris Symington, Head of Housing commented; “Choice believe that Estate Walkabouts are another tangible expression of our continuing commitment to tenant participation. They are an important aspect of our commitment to involve residents and we are committed to working in partnership with our customers to listen to your opinions and ideas for the benefit of your area”.